Minggu, 29 November 2009

* Social TRUE *

You are always there When I need you
You are always faithful, when I was in confusion
confusion would be something missing in my heart
dusk has addressed, has space
when lonely
you are always complementary!
complement fragments have miss heart in hempas wind
...!!!!!!!!!! friend
thank you for that
thanks for the pseudo science that you give
science that I could not get any place
my best friend ... !!!!!!!!!!!!
you give a new spirit in my life
You give me meaning, the meaning of a bond of friendship
not bond back empty friend
I hope you,
Do not ever leave me
their own lives in a world that arrow is
I'm ill like the old wounds that have been closed
re-open again.

My true friends !!!!!

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Turen Sakit

Hari ini saya jujur dalam hal apa pun, saya paling belakang......

telek untuk itu, laso untuk semuanya.....
kan ku gapai mimpiku dngn tngnku sndiri........

mlm ini sy mengaku sy menyerah......... TAI LASO...............
kpn2 kita bisa gabung lg untk bersama lg......

"klo ada yg tersinggung ini cuma isi hatiku skrng ya maaf"

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Wise words

Honesty is a jewel more radiant soul than diamonds

Learning without thought is useless, while thinking without learning is dangerous.

Love of God is the climax of love. The valley of love is love of neighbor.

Sublime character will appear in words and actions.

High-minded people who stand firm, but not stubborn

Extend your love for your Lord, and take your love for your Lord, you certainly will not be disappointed

Beautiful love like two hands clapping, nothing will be beautiful if only one course.

If love reciprocated, then give thanks because God has given life more valuable with twelve of His Love.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Anak Salatiga Belajar SEO

Dari awal saya membuat blog ini saya tidak tahu apa-apa tentang SEO.....
Mungkin bisa dikatakan saya hanya ikut-ikutan mebuat blog tanpa mengerti apa manfaat membuat blog!

Bicara tentang Anak Salatiga Belajar SEO, mungkin hal ini hal yang biasa bagi para master blogger!
tp untuk kami anak-anak Salatiga masih dibilang blogger ingusan!!!

ya.... mau tidak mau kami sebelum belajar SEO banyak yang mempelajarinya dari tips dan trik belajar SEO!!!
Bagi anak Salatiga yang mempunyai skill untuk blogger... "good luck for you".

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

I more pleased .....

Days like this the most fortunate day for me because I can feel and understand the affection of a mother to her children that can not be expressed with words ......

I hope each of us can honor our parents because they are truly meritorious in the life of each of us ....

God bless mam ..... :)

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

I feel bored

I actually like playing a game ..... but internet connection in my home is not too good.
already 2 days I did not play the game ♣ ♦ ♠ ♥
dizzy and my head does not know what I want?
there are suggestions that can give comments here ok ....

I ask attention ......


and hopefully we can be a friend !!!!!
good luck